Monday, April 28, 2008

Design Diary -- Artistic Benchmarks

Most people who know me are probably right in accusing me of being a pack rat, keeping old stuff for nostalgia's sake. Unlike my co-blogger Azureon, I like keeping the old art that I've created. For me, it really helps to see how far I've come and encourages me to keep pushing myself to improve.

Nintendo's Metroid series has always been one of my favorite sources of artistic inspiration because of its imaginative setting and immensely likable heroine. I also tend to draw something Metroid related whenever a new Metroid game comes out.

As I was looking through my art folder, I came across these three drawings that have become my very own artistic benchmarks.

Samus Aran (2004)

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (2006)

Corruption (2007)

I'm so glad I kept these. I wonder how much will change the next time I update my benchmarks.



Incognito said...

Love the colouring on Corruption.

Anonymous said...

yes, ditto that.

hahhaah, you are like my parents. they have boxes of my old, embarrassing, biohazard-quality artwork from when i was 5 and onwards, despite all my protests.

- ruth (toolazy to login, and gotta work on stuff)

RWHC said...

I'm glad you liked it :D

Hehehehe... I still have quite a lot of your old stuff, you know?

If you eeeeeeever wanna do a benchmarking thingie, I shall gladly post them up for the world to see *grin*