Friday, June 13, 2008

hating on sketchbooks - and yet still trying


* eh doodles.
** A bored attempt to draw Mario in Yoji Shinkawa-esque Metal Gear Cover-esque style.
*** kois.
**** lastly and not leastly, Batman. One of the hardest characters to draw, but one I would like to draw again and again (along with him, The Endless in Sandman, Wolverine and Solid Snake ... never drew the latter two, but for whatever reason I'm itching to draw them, despite never having read Xmen or played any of the MGS games).

After the slew of digital I found myself missing the pencil and paint greatly... so henceforth, I will be working with those as I try to spit my muse back out into this plane of existence. After all, whatever skills I obtain with these traditional tools, will carry over to my digital tools.

And this is where I hope that somehow I can get over my sketchbook hate, the way I got over my watercolor hate... not to mention actually make something that I enjoy without killing myself. And that all this effort (and cash) I'm pouring into art will not come back fruitless.

Kids, knowledge kills. So be careful what you let into your head, as once it enters, it sears you for life.

-- Azureon


RWHC said...

I'm actually doing quite a bit of sketchwork on this sketchbook that Jiorel gave me recently. I just haven't been able to upload them because of all the moving and traveling *grump*

On topic now, I think Yoji Shinkawa's art style really requires a lot of grayscale washes between the dark colors to really make it work... That and he really knows how to use white to highlight things. Really digging the Mario though, even though I'd like more greys on his face. Peach really looks like she'd fit in MGS, though :D

Also, I can't wait for Batman everything to come out in July! *drool*

Anonymous said...

eh not on the sketchbook i gave you =( *weep*

thanks for the tidbit on shinkawa,.. i thought he did the inking and then added the washes in painter (its been stated by him that he uses painter in some interview). eh. anyways. i'll just go experiment and see what i can do with painter and all that stuff.
feel free to leave me crits btw.
after all, we're all learning this together in the end.

RWHC said...

I think you're right about his use of Painter, at least in his later works. I was watching a MGS documentary once and one of the things I saw was a sped up time lapse of a snake painting so computers are definitely used in his art in the more recent things. I just love how they still look like they're actual brushes, though.

Oh, and I usually use the Moleskine for pencil sketches and since I'm on a pen-crazed spree right now, I won't defile the speshulness of that thing :D